Our Services

Anvitha Dental Hospital welcomes you! Are you looking for a perfect dental specialist.

Cosmetic Dentistry

It deals with the over all aesthetic appearance of teeth, gums and or bite.

It focuses on improvement of dental aesthetics in colour, position, shape and size and overall smile appearance.

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Crowns and Bridges

Unlike removable devices (dentures) used in past days, Which you can take out and clean daily, crowns and bridges are cemented onto existing teeth or implants (Dental Screws)

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Dental Implants

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root similar in shape to screw that interfaces with the bone of the jaw to support a dental presthesis such as a crown, bridge or denture.

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Kids Dentistry

Cavities on baby teeth are treated with fillings, which help to prevent the cavity from worsening or spreading.

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Missing Teeth Replacement

Replacement of lost tooth with removable or fixed teeth.

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Orthodontic Treatments

It is a branch of dentistry that deals with straightens the teeth and move them into a better position there by it improves over all smile.

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Preventive Dentistry

Is an examination to identify precancerous conditions in your mouth & also check for cavities and gum disease. The exam includes, evaluating your risk of developing

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Restorative Dentistry

It is a procedure where we remove dark and damaged tooth structure and filled with tooth coloured resin material instead of it. Procedure: In this procedure we are using bonding technique.

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Have Dental Problem : Call us at +91 99122 39922 or make an Appointment